Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Day

Hey Bloggers tomorrow is my first day of high school come tomorrow i will officially be a freshman and I'm soooooooo excited.  But for other freshmans like myself don't get caught up in being in high school, what i mean by that is don't think just because your in high school your better then your friends.  So what if your more popular then your homie don't just shove them aside because you're being sadity if you let titles and rankings get to you in life you'll be nothing, then you'll be the person on the other side of the glass.  The way is see it is yeah i want to kick it in high school and I wanna be popular but I won't let a friend go for that mess hopefully me and my crew will stay together in high school.  Never get caught up and forget who your friends are because they're the ones who help you the key to being popular in high school is being unique being anti-common you and your friends be trendsetters yours truly.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Stealing your Identity

I hate it when people try to steal everything thats yours, like  when you do something they do it.  Just because you found something that interest you they do it its like get a life of your own.  Then i hate people that just meet somebody and be acting like they known them since the beginning of time.  Like they always be talking bout them and stuff and its like sit your butt down i knew him before you did so don't try to tell me something bout this fool.  People like that are hoes real talk and if your like that i hate to break it to you but your a hoe... point blank period.  For all the good people out there stay the same don't turn shady like them hoes just be anti-common and turn the other cheek and hold your standards high be trendsetter yours truly.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Girls Who Trip

When your young and you are a teen boys are mostly likely a big aspect in your life and they come and they go.  But when they go do not make a big scene when they end up with a new female because first and foremost you look like a thirsty trick.  Don't go around talking bout i loved him and blah blah blah cause you know you don't know what love is.  While you tripping off him your letting this dude become a fool and start feeling his self America this is why we have cocky conceited dudes out there!!!  If a dude don't want you move on because no matter how much you hate on the girl he's with unless you willing to be a hoe and give it up he will never want you.  Now girls who get rejected by a dude keep it moving because there are plenty of dudes out there who will be feeling you so don't waste your time on someone who won't appreciate you.  When messing with dudes don't be the same as the next girl be different be anti-common be a trendsetter your truly. 

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Boys are a Burden

Im boy crazy but still sane i love boys but won't diss my friend to get one.  I know he line thats drawn and i know when i'm crossing it but in a teens life boys or for boys girls seem to cause a lot of controversy.  I've seen best friends even family members fall out over boys and its like are you serious your going to let a silly little boy ruin this.  Never let a boy come between you especially when your a teen cause chances are you ain't gone be with the fool at the end of it.  Now i can see if your friend being totally disrespectful but if they're a true friend they won't, they probably just got your back so thank them.  Just don't forget in life don't be like everybody else be anti-common, be a trendsetter yours truly.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things are Coming Together

The summer is coming to an end and things are finally coming together.  I was in sooooo much drama and I'm finally getting out of the mess i made.  I really messed up this summer but i got to redeem myself and i refuse to mess up again.  This summer i was oblivious and arrogant and wasn't a good friend, but the reason i wasn't a good friend is because i didn't know what a good friend was.  I had soo many bad friends that didn't support me and downed me that i had this twisted mentality that that's what a friend was.  I lost 3 good friends this summer and i love them to death because they forgave me when they didn't, so this summer i think i learned a valuble life long lesson i learned how to be my friend.  I thank my friends for keeping it real and when i came to the realization forgiving me.  To all you people out there that are cold hearted and try to act like you don't care STOP or you are going to end up alone with the whole world against you.  Just put one foot forward and let your pride go and be anti-common and live life to the fullest your truly. 

Friday, July 31, 2009

Apology Denied

There are 2 types of apologies, there's an apology that can be accepted, then their is an apology that can be denied.  But then on the other hand there are two types of people some that forgive and accept apologies, and then the evil who hold grudges and deny apologies.  If you mess up one time hopefully the person will accept you apology you know you messed up, but what i don't get is when you mess up once and the people that call theirselves your friends cant forgive you.  I see if you messed up all the time but if you only mess up one time and they won't give you second chance??  THATS BULL CRAP!!!! How dare you be that little so your pride can be soo big.  If this has happens to you don't blame yourself its their loss because in the end their not gonna have anybody.  It might hurt to let your so called "friend" go but better you know now then later.  Just live life and move on you'll meet more friends.  Be different anti-common yours truly.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

feelings come back

The worst thing about ex's whether its and ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend for guys is when feeling come back and you start liking them again.  Me and my ex are like closest of close friends it was a very modest break-up but now i like him again and he has a girl friend.  Should i tell him, or not so many decisions i mean i don't want to be a home wrecker or anything, but he's not catching the hint.  sometimes boys can be soooooooo  clueless.  But girls who have this problem i have come to the conclusion if you know the boy you should no something special about him no one does, thats the way to his heart.  Don't just barge in there flaunting yourself because thats kinda hoe-ish the dude you like should be giving hints if he's not back off so you won't get embarrassed.  But most likely you have to do something special.  If you stick to the plan you should be alright, so be anti-common and live your life, yours truly.